Hello, bookish friends! It’s a short post today, but you’ll see why at the end. My March plans are a little broader than normal.
Another month, another bookish reflection. I know February 2022 has been brimming with trauma and anxiety for much of the world, so if you, like me, turn to books for comfort, I hope you’ve found that in recent weeks. (I’ve actually revisited a few of my favorite fanfictions recently for peak comfort and nostalgia.) Aside from that, though, let’s talk about my month in books.
Here are my February stats:
Number of Books Read: 6
Number of Books DNF’d (for now): 0
Favorite book of the month: The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde (a re-read for me - and a book club pick)
And now for March’s goals:
Normally, I have a list of books I want to read in March, and even though I do have a few in mind, candidly, my most pressing reading plan for the month is trying to read all I can about the current situation in Ukraine. I’m embarrassed to admit that I don’t know much about that region of the world and it definitely seems incredibly important to learn now. I’ll be honest and say that I do think reading is an amoral activity (I can’t remember where I read that, but if you’ve seen a source that states that, let me know and I’ll definitely cite it), but I do think there’s a moral imperative to educate oneself when possible. And this is one of those times.
What was your favorite read of February? Share below!